
Clicker training

Every little dog is happier when he knows what's expected of him! This Dog Training Kit, powered by Clicker Training, gives you the tools to let your pup know what you want him to do. The Dog Training Kit from Karen Pryor includes the i-Click clicker. The i-Click is small and easy to use, and it's quiet enough for indoors.
The Kit also includes the book, Getting Started: Clicker Training for Dogs by Karen Pryor, the clicker training pioneer! Pryor shows you the ins and outs of clicker training, from timing your clicks to teaching cute tricks. This book has step-by-step photographs of many important (and fun) behaviors.
Most fun, the Kit includes the Click-a-Trick cards. In up to ten steps your little dog will learn nine useful and fun behaviors like Leash manners and Gimme five.
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