
Solve your dog's tear stains!

Teddy showing tear stains

Eye Envy - the tear stain eliminator!

Teddy after three weeks of daily Eye Envy use
We can't stand the look of tear stains on dogs. Teddy is the first light-colored dog in the house - so he's the first one we've had to deal with them.
Many of the tear-stain products on the market are antibiotics, sprinkled on the dog's food. We really didn't want to use any of those - what would happen if he needed an antibiotic for an illness? Tear stains are unsightly, but are generally just a cosmetic problem.
We decided to try Eye Envy - and we've been delighted with the results! Daily treatment for the first three or four weeks (until the stains disappear), then gradually diminish use. We were down to just once a week, until the seasons changed. We've had to step it back up to cope with Teddy's allergies (his eyes tear more when the seasons change).
We've heard wonderful things about Eye Envy from our customers, too! Find out more here: Eye Envy