
He's still got a gorgeous smile!

Roc at 11 years old
Yesterday was Roc's (Brussels Griffon) annual check-up at the vet. He's 11 years old now and considered a "senior" pet. Fortunately - he's in terrific shape, just a little cloudiness in his eyes and a little gray all over!
The best thing we heard at his exam is that Roc's teeth are great. Hope's had Roc since he was four months old and he's never (knock wood!) needed to have his teeth professionally cleaned. It's something we try to avoid - we worry about anesthesia on our dogs, especially since all of them are smush-faced fellows.
The vet was actually so impressed, she asked us what we do to keep his teeth in such good shape. We use the Microfiber Finger Toothbrush, with dog toothpaste, once a week. And now we have proof that the five minutes we take, once a week, to care for our dogs' teeth, is well worth the effort - not to mention the savings in dental care.